Follow this order when building your MLA citations, and use the appropriate punctuation mark. Skip any elements that you can't find or don't apply to your source.
Image: "Works Cited: A Quick Guide." MLA Style Center, 2024. Accessed 10 Sept. 2024. GIF.
Review this slide deck for a quick refresh on:
Review this poster for an overview of the MLA 9th Edition Style Guide, including:
If you teacher has approved your use of AI-generated content for a school assignment, be sure to properly cite the AI tool that you used. Here is an example of how you should cite AI-generated content in MLA 9. You must also include "a statement about how it was used in relation to the final draft of the assignment" (WT's Generative AI Policy).
“List reasons why someone might support capital punishment” prompt. ChatGPT 3.5, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 6 Nov. 2023,
(Generative AI Citation Format created from suggestions put forth by MLA.)
Review this poster for an overview of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS) Guidelines, including:
Review this poster for an overview of the APA 7th Edition Style Guidelines, including: