From the Winchester Thurston Upper School Handbook:
A student demonstrates academic integrity when the work they submit is their own, and they have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on an assignment. In a healthy intellectual community, learners acknowledge and respect their influences by explicitly acknowledging the ideas, words, images, information, and assistance of others.
For information on the forms that academic dishonesty can take, view the handbook here.
"The act of taking another person’s ideas, writings, or opinions and presenting them as one’s own without proper acknowledgment; the act of borrowing a sequence of ideas, the arrangement of material, or a pattern of thought of someone else without proper acknowledgment."
From the WT Upper School Student Handbook
"A restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form. The teacher asked the students to write a paraphrase of the poem."
From Merriam-Webster Dictionary
All of the following are considered types of plagiarism:
For more information, visit
Avoiding Plagiarism Tips:
For more information visit this link
From the Winchester Thurston Generative AI Policy:
""If a student utilizes generative AI for any academic purpose, the student must disclose and properly cite it for their teacher. The specific requirements for its use and citing will be directed by the teacher, but will likely include: a citation of the generative AI tool used, a description of the prompt(s) used, and a statement about how it was used in relation to the final draft of the assignment. When a student is suspected of improperly using generative AI and/or fails to properly cite its use, the student may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in our Academic Integrity policy."